The third sphere is the lowest, and the weakest, ranking Sphere of Influence. Each sphere has its own halo which can help to distinguish the position of each Angel in the Hierarchy at first sight. Above that exist two separate "spheres" composed of only one angel each but those angels are so powerful that they are often seen as gods by the other Angels. Above is the Audito "sphere" which is composed of angels so powerful that they embody to some extend nature and the divine will in itself. The Hierarchy is divised in three "spheres" with their own sub-rank within each. Lower ranking angels are generally born from the soul of deceased belivers which can lead to self sacrifice ritual as seen in the beginning Bayonetta. Most lower ranking angels have a physical form that manifest itself in Paradiso or Purgatorio but many higher ranking angels are metaphysical being able to manipulate their form at will. Angels are responsible for many different invention created by humanity such as cars and ships. Unlike the Infernal Demons, the Angels of Paradiso follow a strict chain of command based on the spiritual powers of the different types of Angels ranked in the Hierarchy of Laguna. Paradiso being the realm tied with light, angels use the sun as a symbol of their authority.
Unlike humans who gained free will when their ruler, Aesir, The God of Chaos, entrusted them with the Eyes of the World, most of the Angels of Paradiso have no free will and their only purpose is to incarnate different aspects of Jubileus' divine will or concepts created by humanity's chaotic nature. Their leader is the ruler of the whole Paradiso, Jubileus, The Creator, which is considered by her underlings as the only god fit to rule over the Trinity of Reality. Like the Umbra Witches makes contracts with the Infernal Demons to gain immortality and powers in exchange of their soul, the Lumen Sage do the same with the Angel of Paradiso. They make up the primary antagonistic force in the first Bayonetta and also act as one of the antagonistic forces in Bayonetta 2. The Angels of Paradiso is a name used to designate the inhabitants of Paradiso, one of the three realm of the Trinity of Realities.